Nature Boy

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011
Time to Rest
Dark Lady
Lo que extrañamente me recuerda a...
That strangely reminds me of...
That strangely reminds me of...
Ann Savage
Vera - Detour (Edgar G. Ulmer, 1945)
Pop Icons
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
That reminds me of...
Marvel comic Divas!
Emma Frost
-La Reina Blanca-
-The White Queen-
La Encantadora
The Enchantress
Capitana Marvel
Ms. Marvel
Mariposa Mental
Puñal (y Capa)
Dagger (and Cloak)
Bruja Escarlata
Scarlet Witch
Dragón Lunar
Capitana Marvel alias Fotón
Captain Marvel aka Photon
Gata Infernal
Of course.
Of course.
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
That reminds me of...
Madonna como la Reina de las Nieves. Concepto y desarrollo de LeonsEscapades.
Madonna as the Snow Queen. Concept and style by LeonsEscapades.
Prince Charming
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
¿Cuál escogeríais?
Which one you like more?
That reminds me of...
Príncipe Felipe - La Bella Durmiente
Prince Philip - Sleeping Beauty
Príncipe Eric - La sirenita
Prince Eric - The Little Mermaid
Príncipe Adam - La Bella y la Bestia
Prince Adam - Beauty & The Beast
Gastón - La Bella y la Bestia
Gaston - Beauty & The Beast
Aladino - Aladdin
John Smith - Pocahontas
Kocoum - Pocahontas
Phoebus - El jorobado de Notre Dame
Phoebus - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Shang - Mulan
Milo J. Thatch - Atlantis: El imperio perdido
Milo J. Thatch - Atlantis: The Lost Empire
David - Lilo & Stich
Jim - El planeta del tesoro
Jim - Treasure Planet
Príncipe Naveen - Tiana y el sapo
Prince Naveen - The Princess & The Frog
¿Cuál escogeríais?
Which one you like more?
Hunk-O-Day (2)
Aunque yo lo preferiría así...
Even though I'd like him like this...
Con la espada bien en alto y la retaguardia abierta.
Sword up high and rearward open.
Even though I'd like him like this...
Con la espada bien en alto y la retaguardia abierta.
Sword up high and rearward open.
James Marsden
Glitter and Be Gay
Además, nos cantó una canción...
And she also sang us a song...
And she also sang us a song...
Leonie Rysanek
Die Frau ohne Schatten (Richard Strauss)
Nuestras Hadas Madrinas
Ya estamos de vuelta, y lo hacemos de la mano de Nuestra Hada Madrina de hoy...
We're back, and we come by the hand of our Fairy Godmother of today...
Le pedimos vivir en un palacio de cristal. Nos regaló entradas para patinar sobre hielo.
We asked her to live in a crystal palace. She gave us tickets to ice-skate.
We're back, and we come by the hand of our Fairy Godmother of today...
Le pedimos vivir en un palacio de cristal. Nos regaló entradas para patinar sobre hielo.
We asked her to live in a crystal palace. She gave us tickets to ice-skate.
Spring Break
Claudia Cardinale patrocina nuestro descanso primaveral de hoy.
Claudia Cardinale sponsors our Spring Break of the day.
We Had Faces Then
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
Irene Rich. No sabe si reír o llorar.
Irene Rich. She doesn't know wether to laugh or cry.
That reminds me of...
Irene Rich. No sabe si reír o llorar.
Irene Rich. She doesn't know wether to laugh or cry.
Joan Crawford's Moment
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