Nature Boy

jueves, 30 de junio de 2011
Time to Rest
Veronica se despide por hoy, contenta de habernos visitado.
Veronica says goodbye for today, happy for the time she spent with us.
Glitter and Be Gay
Joan Crawford's Moment
Nuestras Hadas Madrinas
A nuestra Brujita de hoy le hemos pedido una pócima para poseer el misterio seductor del peek-a-boo. Nos regaló una peluca.
We asked our little Witch for a magic potion to possess the peek-a-boo's seductive mystery. She gave us a wig.
Lay down...
Dark Lady
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
That reminds me of...
Veronica Lake
Susan Cleaver - Saigon (Saigón, Leslie Fenton, 1948)
Parecidos razonables
Bogart y Bacall serían mejores...
Bogart and Bacall might be better...
... pero Ladd y Lake llegaron antes.
... but Ladd and Lake arrived before.
Alan Ladd,
Humphrey Bogart,
Lauren Bacall,
Veronica Lake
Natural Handsomeness
Alan Ladd, pareja perfecta para Veronica Lake en la Paramount, unidos por su diminuta estatura.
Alan Ladd, perfect match for Veronica Lake at Paramount, united because of both being short, almost little.
National Sweater
Estamos de vuelta con nuestra querida Veronica Lake y el que probablemente sea el último suéter de la temporada, al menos hasta que vuelva el fresco.
We're back with our adored Veronica Lake and what might be our last sweater of the season, at least until fresher airs come back as well.
Summer Breeze
Aprovechando lo cual nos vamos un ratito bajo una palmera.
Which gives us the chance to go to rest under a palm tree for a while.
Como Veronica Lake.
Just like Veronica Lake.
Which gives us the chance to go to rest under a palm tree for a while.
Como Veronica Lake.
Just like Veronica Lake.
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
Veronica Lake, dama de las islas.
Veronica Lake, lady of the islands.
That reminds me of...
Veronica Lake, dama de las islas.
Veronica Lake, lady of the islands.
Lady of the Lake
Sin duda alguna, mi foto favorita de Veronica Lake, publicidad para Me casé con una bruja (René Clair, 1942).
Without any doubt, my favourite shot of Veronica Lake, publitcy for I Married a Witch (René Clair, 1942).
Natural Fans
¡Y ella está muy contenta de que sea así!
And she is very happy about it!
And she is very happy about it!
¡Bienvenidos a Nature Boy!
Welcome to Nature Boy!
Buenos días!
miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011
Time to Rest
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me that...
... Marilyn se prepara para despedirse por hoy.
... Marilyn gets ready to say good night to all.
That reminds me that...
... Marilyn se prepara para despedirse por hoy.
... Marilyn gets ready to say good night to all.
Joan Crawford's Moment
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
That reminds me of...
De verdad.
Dark Lady
Summer Breeze
Lo que me lleva a nuestra pausa playera del día...
Which takes me to our beach break of the day...
... de manos de la rumbosa Abbe Lane.
... by the hand of lavish Abbe Lane.
Which takes me to our beach break of the day...
... de manos de la rumbosa Abbe Lane.
... by the hand of lavish Abbe Lane.
Mambo Fever
Es lo que sucede cuando nos ponemos a hablar de Anita Ekberg.
That's what happens when we begin to speak about Anita Ekberg.
National Sweater
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me...
... Lo bien que rellenaba los suéters Anita Ekberg.
... How obviously Anita Ekberg filled a nice sweater.
That reminds me...
... Lo bien que rellenaba los suéters Anita Ekberg.
... How obviously Anita Ekberg filled a nice sweater.
Nuestras Hadas Madrinas
Lo que me recuerda a mi Hada Madrina del día.
That reminds me of my Fairy Godmother of the day.
Vino en barco porque venía de Canarias. Le pedimos uno, aunque fuera pequeñito, para nosotros. Nos regaló uno de papel, de colores, eso sí.
She came by boat because she came from the Canary Islands. We asked for a boat too, even if it was little and small. She gave us a paper one, coloured, of course.
That reminds me of my Fairy Godmother of the day.
Vino en barco porque venía de Canarias. Le pedimos uno, aunque fuera pequeñito, para nosotros. Nos regaló uno de papel, de colores, eso sí.
She came by boat because she came from the Canary Islands. We asked for a boat too, even if it was little and small. She gave us a paper one, coloured, of course.
Glitter and Be Gay
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
That reminds me of...
En una de mis canciones favoritas.
With one of my favourite songs of hers.
Por razones obvias.
For obvious reasons.
In Memoriam
Lay down...
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
Elaine Stewart se ha quedado dormida.
Elaine Stewart has fallen sleep.
That reminds me of...
Elaine Stewart se ha quedado dormida.
Elaine Stewart has fallen sleep.
Buenos días!
martes, 28 de junio de 2011
Time to Rest
Y finalmente...
And finally...
... Nos vamos a la cama. Dramáticamente, por supuesto.
... We're going to bed. Dramatically, of course.
And finally...
... Nos vamos a la cama. Dramáticamente, por supuesto.
... We're going to bed. Dramatically, of course.
Natural Fans
Lo que me lleva a...
That takes me to...
Phyllis Haver y Gloria Swanson celebrando su día en Nature Boy.
Phyllis Haver and Gloria Swanson celebrating her day at Nature Boy.
That takes me to...
Phyllis Haver y Gloria Swanson celebrando su día en Nature Boy.
Phyllis Haver and Gloria Swanson celebrating her day at Nature Boy.
Gloria Swanson,
Natural Fans,
Phyllis Haver,
We Had Faces Then
Summer Breeze
La próxima vez que la veamos le vamos a pedir unas clases prácticas...
Next time we meet her we're gonna ask her to give us some practical classes...
Glitter and Be Gay
Nuestras Hadas Madrinas
Lo que me lleva a mis Hadas Madrinas de hoy.
Which takes me to my Fairy Godmothers of today.
Les pedimos que nuestras plumas lucieran siempre tan espléndidas como las suyas. Nos trajeron un bote de purpurina.
We asked them our feathers to always look as splendid as theirs. They brought us a bottle of glitter.
Which takes me to my Fairy Godmothers of today.
Les pedimos que nuestras plumas lucieran siempre tan espléndidas como las suyas. Nos trajeron un bote de purpurina.
We asked them our feathers to always look as splendid as theirs. They brought us a bottle of glitter.
Dolly Sisters,
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
Nuestro chico del día piensa si depilarse o no.
Our hunk of the day is thinking about trimming.
That reminds me of...
Nuestro chico del día piensa si depilarse o no.
Our hunk of the day is thinking about trimming.
Natural Handsomeness
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
Steve Cochran, uno de los pocos capaces de hacer callar a Susan Hayward.
Steve Cochran, one of the very few capable to make Susan Hayward shut the f*ck up.
That reminds me of...
Steve Cochran, uno de los pocos capaces de hacer callar a Susan Hayward.
Steve Cochran, one of the very few capable to make Susan Hayward shut the f*ck up.
National Sweater
Galería de Dramáticas
Lo que me recuerda...
That reminds me of...
That reminds me of...
... reinas del drama de los 50.
... some drama queens of the 50's.
Deborah Kerr
Patricia Neal
Vera Miles
Claire Bloom
Ruth Roman
Eleanor Parker
Ann Baxter
Y la gran zorra reina, Susan Hayward.
And the Queen of Bitches, Susan Hayward.
Anne Baxter,
Claire Bloom,
Deborah Kerr,
Eleanor Parker,
Patricia Neal,
Ruth Roman,
Susan Hayward,
Vera Miles
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