Nature Boy

Nature Boy

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Madonna's Best Music Videos of All Time

Como artista multidimensional que es, Madonna sabe de sobra del poder que tienen los videos musicales. Baste nombrar el éxito de ventas de Justify my Love al ser prohibida su exhibición para conjurar el éxito de una canción. En la enorme variedad de vídeos que Madonna ha protagonizado a lo largo de su carrera, sobresalen algunos por derecho propio. Claro que también es justo decir que no ha realizado ninguno decente desde Hung Up (algunos dirían incluso que desde Hollywood). ¡Vamos, Madonna, ya es hora de volver!
As the multi-dimensional artist that she is, Madonna knows perfectly well the power that music videos have today. We only have to name the tremendous success of sellings that a video like Justify my Love had at the time. Within the huge variety of videos that Madonna has made since her beginnings, there are some that stand out from above the others. Needless to say that she hasn't done a good video since Hung Up (others say that since Hollywood). Get up, Madonna, it's time!

Nº 1

Vogue (1990)
by David Fincher.

Nº 2

Express Yourself (1989)
by David Fincher.

Nº 3

Bedtime Story (1995)
by Mark Romanek.

Nº 4

Human Nature (1995)
by Jean-Baptiste Mondino.

Nº 5

Open Your Heart (1986)
by Jean-Baptiste Mondino.

Nº 6

Nothing Really Matters (1999)
by Johan Renck.

Nº 7

Bad Girl (1993)
by David Fincher.

Nº 8

Don't Tell Me (2001)
by Jean-Baptiste Mondino

Nº 9

Rain (1993)
by Mark Romanek.

Nº 10

Hollywood (2003)
by Jean-Baptiste Mondino.

Sin olvidarnos de otros grandes vídeos como Like a Prayer, Like a Virgin, Material Girl, Oh Father, I Want You, The Power of Goodbye o What it Feels Like for a Girl.
And we don't forget about some other great videos like Like a Prayer, Like a Virgin, Material Girl, Oh Father, I Want You, The Power of Goodbye or What it Feels Like for a Girl.

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